Leyli, Rosa
Evaluation of Student Centered Learning (SCL) Approach on Implementation at Faculties of Andalas University.
Other thesis, Universitas Andalas.
6.1 Conclusion of the Research
This research is descriptive statistic, focus the implementation of Student Centered Learning (SCL) elements in internal environment on Unand. To conclude objectives of the research, researcher was describe such as;
1. The implementation of SCL at University of Andalas.
Based on the analysis and discussion of this research about evaluation implementation SCL at Unand, it can be concluded that the objective of this study was describe the evaluation of SCL implementation at Unand. The variables of this research consists of
(1) TCL approach,
(2) SCL approach,
(3) Learning Method based on TCL and SCL, which divided into three kinds method of learning process; Mass Instructions, Individual Studying, and Group Studying.
From data analysis, on table 5.8 in page 51, we can see TCR value on enough position, based on TCR interpretation. It is means lecturers at Unand not full used TCL. If they are used it the value of TCR is good, when they are not full used TCL method the value of it is enough, if they are not used TCL the value is poor. Researcher assume, respondents at Unand combine TCL and SCL in learning process.
The result from TCL can related on learning method, especially for mass instruction method. Usually lecturer used TCL or SCL based on learning method. From table 5.10 in page 58. We know that mass instruction TCR on enough position, it is means respondents not full used indicators on mass instruction method.
This analysis can add from open question, we can see on appendix. They used collaboration between TCL and SCL in learning process. The respondents from collaboration of TCL and SCL have high position than TCL or SCL respondents. Lecturers have some reasons to choose the method in learning process, we can seen on appendix.
From table 5.9 page 55. We know that TCR value on variable SCL is good position, it is means respondents used SCL in learning process. We can see also on rerata average, value of rerata average on agree position, its means, respondents agree to used SCL. If lecturers used SCL, they must be focus on individual study and group study indicators as learning method. SCL result can be related on both of learning method above. The result individual study from table 5.11 page 62 and result of group study from table 5.12 page 66, TCR value of both method on enough position, it is means respondents not full used learning method indicators. Researcher can conclude that respondents within transmition process from TCL approach to SCL approach. Respondents said Rector of Unand recommended for lecturers to used SCL in learning process. which show on appendix. So that, respondents agree to used indicators of SCL, but compared to practice in the class, the respondents still have difficulties in changing of way or method from TCL to SCL, some barriers of respondents can be see on appendix.
2. Researcher was determine factors that might be improve the SCL implementation.
From data open questions of respondents, researcher can made statements about factors that improve the SCL implementation in learning process, such as;
a. Unand must socialize SCL approach to all of lecturers and students in order to prepare about it.
b. Unand must made program of training SCL as continual, so that, training SCL to lecturers can optimal and can reduce some problems like barriers in learning method.
c. Unand must complete all of facilities that appropriate with standar of SCL implementation such as, tools of labor, network system or internet etc.
6.2 Limitation of Research
This study still has some limitations of research, that are:
1. This research just evaluate SCL approach that used by lecturers.
2. The limitation of researcher knowledge to finish this research, because of limited resources such as journal, books, and previous reserach about SCL.
6.3 Recomendation of Research
The research result is expect to:
1. This reseacrch as refences can be use in other research in term of evaluation implementation of SCL on students.
2. Researcher hope in the future, another resercher can study widely. Such as evaluate effect of SCL as a learning approach on students
6.4 Implication of Research
From the previous discussion, this study has implications for learning process in Unand. There are:
1. Research result can as input for department and lecturers in developing learning approach.
2. Research result can as a guide for leaders and lectures to improving academic activities.
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