Nurhayati, Euis Wanti
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Bidan Pegawai Tidak Tetap (PTT) di Kota Padang tahun 2013.
Ministry of Health stimulation in recruiting PTT midwifes have objective to increase the mother and child health service for public. The success of the strategy is depends on the performance of PTT midwife. Productivity was one of the variable in performance appraisal. The fact that the PTT midwifery services are only available 3-4 hours/day and supervised only 4-6 Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Post) in one village, whereas ideally their service should be available 24 hours and supervises all the Posyandu in their working area, showing low job productivity that affected PTT midwife performance. Research was conducted in 20 Community Health Centers in Padang District, to find out the factors affecting performance of PTT midwife.
The research design used cross sectional study. The research conducted on May to August 2013 with 45 sample selected through proportional random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires which have tested with validity and reliability test. Data were analyzed with univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi-square test with probability degree 95 % (p<0,005), and multivariate analysis with logistic regression test.
Univariate analysis result showed that 56 % PTT midwife is performance were low, 49% were in young age, 40% were single, 40% were low educated, 56% have been working for long-time, 60% have low motivation, 56% have low quality in leadership, 51% have good rewards, 51% have good supervision. Bivariate analysis using Chi-square analysis showed that there are significant relation between PTT midwife performance with motivation and leadership, and there was no significant relation between PTT midwifes performance with: marital status, education level, age, working period, reward and supervision. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression showed that motivation was the dominant factor that affected PTT midwifes performance.
Research concludes that more than half of all PTT midwife in Padang district have low performance, and the dominant factor that affected their performance was motivation. There should be some strategy to increase motivation, and also collaboration with all the Head of Public Health Centers and the Head of district health services to increase the PTT midwifes performance.
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