Morica, Lola
Other thesis, Universitas Andalas.
Makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) saat ini kebanyakan diberikan pada saat usia dini. Selain adanya faktor pengetahuan ibu yang rendah, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya kepercayaan pada masyarakat sehingga pemberian (MP-ASI) dilakukan pada usia dini. Pemberian (MP-ASI) dini dapat berpengaruh terhadap status gizi balita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan ibu dalam pemberian makanan pendamping ASI dengan status gizi bayi di Kelurahan Tengah Sawah Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tengah Sawah Bukitinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Tengah sawah pada bulan Oktober 2011 sampai dengan Juli 2012. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Survey Analitik dengan studi Cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah ibu ibu yang mempunyai bayi umur 7-12 bulan sebanyak 102 orang dan jumlah sampel 50 orang dengan tehnik pengambilan Accidental Sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah Kuesioner dan lembar observasi checklist. Pengolahan dan analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat serta di uji dengan statistik Chi square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 68% ibu memiliki pengetahuan yang tinggi, 56% memiliki sikap yang positif dan 76% memiliki tindakan yang baik. Berdasarkan analisa Chi square dengan derajat kemaknaan p <0,005 didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu tentang makanan pendamping ASI dan sikap ibu mengenai makanan pendamping ASI dengan status gizi Bayi dengan p<0.005. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tindakan ibu tentang makanan pendamping ASI dengan status gizi bayi dengan p>0,005. Untuk itu perlu dipertahankan peranan tenaga kesehatan baik di Puskesmas dan Posyandu di dalam memberikan promosi dan penyuluhan mengenai makanan pendamping ASI agar nantinya perilaku ibu menjadi lebih baik sehingga status gizi anak menjadi lebih baik pula.
Weaning food is more frequently given to infants in early time. There is a certain belief in a society that contributes towards strong hold practice of early weaning food, rather than a low maternal knowledge. The provision of early weaning food can cause infant nutritional status. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers in the feeding of breast milk with infant nutritional status in Middle Village Middle Rice Paddy Field Work Area Health Center Bukitinggi. The research was conducted in the fields of Central Village in October 2011 to July 2012. This type of research is the Analytical Survey Cross sectional study. The study population was mothers who had infants aged 7-12 months as many as 102 people and 50 people with a number of sample collection techniques Accidental Sampling. Research instruments were questionnaire and observation checklist sheet. Processing and data analysis carried out univariate and bivariate statistics and the Chi square test. The study found 68% of mothers had high knowledge, 56% have a positive attitude and 76% had good action. Chi square analysis based on the degree of significance p <0.005 was found that there was a significant association between maternal knowledge on complementary feeding and maternal attitudes about complementary feeding with nutritional status Babies with p <0005. There were no significant associations between measures of complementary feeding mothers with infant nutritional status with p> 0.005. For the role of health workers needs to be improved both in health centers and in providing integrated health promotion and education about complementary feeding so that the mother's behavior for the better so that the nutritional status of children to be better anyway.
Food of addition ASI represent passed to food is baby wich have 6 months or more bacause ASI shall no longger fullfil requirement of baby nutrision. This research was to investigate the reletionship between food of addition ASI behavior of mother with nitrition satus of the baby in Tengah Sawah area in work region Public health Center of Tengah sawah Bukittinggi. The study was used cross sectional design. The sampling technique was total sampling. There were 50 samples in this research. The research instrument were questionnaire and checklist form observation. Data anlysis used univariable through and bivariable method and statistical test used Chi square. The result showed that were significant relation between knowlegde and attitude of mother about food of addition ASI and nutritional status of the baby (p<0,005). The was no significant relation between action of mother about foot of additional ASI and nutritional status of the baby. (p>0,005). Because of that it is important to increase the role of health officer in public health centre and inwrought service Post in giving promotion and education about nutrition in order behavior of the mother become better and nutrition status is good too.
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