Siagian, Muhnizar
Peranan Sjahrir Untuk Diplomasi Indonesia (1945-1947).
Peranan Sjahrir Untuk Diplomasi Indonesia (1945-1947)
August 17, 1945, Indonesia was officially declared to be independent state with the
proclamation that was read by Soekarno-Hatta. Proclamation of Indonesian’s
independent indicates new phase for Indonesia as independent state, but all problems
have not cleared yet. Allied forces which are sponsored by Dutch came back to
Indonesia. Their aim and reason are to restore Indonesia to be colony again. Fighters
of this Republic were separated in 2 groups for address this case. Sjahrir chooses
diplomatic negotiation way that is known as Sjahrir diplomacy. Whereas, Tan Malaka
chooses physical struggle way that’s known as Bambu Runcing diplomacy.In period
1945-1947, Sjahrir as leading figure in the struggle for Indonesian diplomacy in
facing the Dutch to gain international recognition of existence of the Republic of
Indonesia. Sjahrir diplomacy is an alternative measure, Fusion concept among
humanism, emancipation, preventive, and rationalism are put forwarded by Sjahrir
when diplomacy with Dutch. This aim of this research is reviewing agenda, strategic,
media, technical, policy options and achievement of diplomacy which was done by
Sjahrir, include problem and crisis faced, with the research title, Sutan Sjahrir Role
for Indonesian Diplomacy(1945-1949).
Keyword: Diplomacy, Struggle Diplomacy, Sutan Sjahrir
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