Repository Universitas Andalas


Syarfi, Ira Wahyuni and Fairuzi, Syofyan and Asful, Ferdhinal (2014) POTENSI PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN KAKAO DI SUMATERA BARAT. In: Seminar Nasional BKS – PTN Wilayah Barat, 23 – 25 Mei 2010, Bengkulu.

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This study investigated the potential development of cocoa processing industry in the West Sumatera comprehensively. Based on the analysis of potential and problems of development of the cocoa industry in some central areas of cocoa in West Sumatera proposed to the development of the cocoa processing industry. The study found that West Sumatera has potentials for development of the cocoa processing industry. It can be seen from the availability of human and natural resources are in adequate, efforts to develop the nursery, post harvest and marketing, and has been the existence of farmer groups in centers cocoa development. Nevertheless the problems for the development of the cocoa processing industry are: cocoa productivity and quality of the smallholder are still low. Thus, the cocoa processing industry development policy should be supported by the development of Agribusiness Upstream Subsystem; availability and distribution of agricultural inputs, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Subsystems on-farm development, namely: regional expansion, increased production and productivity, and quality of cocoa. Agribusiness Development Downstream Subsystem is the development of storage facilities, distribution processing, marketing of cocoa and its derivatives. In addition, developments that support the development of subsystems, namely: the right technology to use and sophisticated, institutional strengthening, research and development, extension and farmer education, financing /capital and infrastructure etc.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Uncontrolled Keywords: central areas of cocoa, development of the cocoa processing industry
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Unit atau Lembaga: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Ir.MP. Yunisman Isman
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2014 06:19
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2015 04:35

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