Yulnafatmawita, Yulnafatmawita and Farma, Arif and Hermansah, Hermansah
Karakteristik Fisika Tanah Berliat Pada Sequence Topografi
di Daerah Tropis Basah Bukit Sarasah Sumbar.
In: Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan Dekan Fakultas Pertanian BKS-PTN Wilayah Barat , 19-20 Maret 2013, Universitas Tanjung Pura, Pontianak.
Due to intensive land use change in Indonesia lately, as well as in Padang, people have used marginal land for farming. A research about determination of physico-chemical characteristics of clayey soils based on toposequence was conducted in Bukit Sarasah Padang from May to October 2011. The samples were analyzed at Soil Laboratory, Andalas University, Padang. The purpose of this study was to determine physico-chemical characteristics of clayey soil based on its toposequence. The research was located in Bukit Sarasah (315-515 m asl), Padang city. Soils were sampled at 3 locations in research area with 100 m interval from 315 m – 515 m asl. In each location, soil samples were taken from two depths (0-20 cm and 30-50 cm). Parameters determined were soil texture, BD, total pore, permeability, organic matter, pore size distribution (water characteristics). The data resulted were compared to the criteria of soil physical characteristics. The data showed that, the texture of the soil was classified into clay. The percentage of clay particles tended to decrease with increasing elevation. The same trend was also found for soil organic matter content. Then, the BD values increased with increasing elevation. On the other hand, TRP and soil permeability decreased with increasing elevation. Percentage of aerated pores (AP) was low to high, slow drainage pores (SDP) was at medium, and available water pores (AWP) was at high criteria.
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