TEPUNG DAUN LAMTORO (Leucaena leucocephala) YANG
DIFERMENTASI DENGAN Bacillus Sp DAN Trichoderma viride SERTA
Other thesis, andalas university.
The Improving of Quality Nutrient and Detoxification of Mimosin Lamtoro
Leaf Meal (leucaena leucocephala) that Fermented with Bacillus sp and Trichoderma
viride and the Influence on the Productivity and Quality of Eggs Pitalah Duck
The aims of study to know the optimum fermentation conditions , to improve the
quality of nutrition and its effect on the detoxification of mimosin fermentation products
with Bacillus Sp and Trichoderma viride on the productivity and quality of duck eggs Pitalah.
Research experiment was divided into four steps : The first step was isolation, selection and
identification of cellulolitic bacteria from digestic gastrointestinal of Pitalah duck. The
second step was determination of the optimum conditions for microbial growth and the best
for media inoculums. The third step was determination optimum condition for lamtoro leaf
meal and the activity cellulase and protease enzyme from Bacillus laterosporus and selluase
enzyme from Trichoderma viride based on nutrient quality and quantity of these fermented
products. And the forth step was the feeding trial on Pitalah ducks.
Results of the first step showed that these isolates were Bacillus coagulans and
Bacillus laterosporus base on biochemical and morphological test. Based on the the higher
sellulase activity and wider cleare zone Bacillus laterosporus was selected for the next. In
the second step , the best growing time, pH and temperature were detected within 18 hours
inculation, 6 and 370C for Bacillus laterosporus respectively. Rice brain was the best
inoculums media compared to the other meals (corn, tapioca and lamtoro leaf meal) for and
Bacillus laterosporus on the colony number 60,5 x 109 CFU/g. In the third step, optimum
conditions of the fermentation of lamtoro leaf meal was at 6% dosage of inoculums, 24 hours
of fermentation length , The highest activity protease enzyme was 2,682 Unit/ml and
cellulase enzyme was18,576 Units/ml. Metabilism of Energy 2524,74 kcal/kg, N retention
68,99% and digestibility of crude fiber 57,91; reduction of mimosine 64, 89% and the
increasing of B-carotene 96,91% for Bacillus laterosporus. The optimum conditions of the
fermentation of lamtoro leaf meal was at 7% dosage of inoculums, 7 days of fermentation
length , The highest activity cellulase enzyme was 7,619 Units/ml. Metabolism of Energy
2504,34 kcal/kg, N retention 68,77% and digestibility of crude fiber 58,62; reduction of
mimosine 77, 48% and the increasing of B-carotene 68,96% For fermentation with
Trichoderma viride.
The final step, the using of 20% lamtoro leaf meal fermentation products with
Bacillus laterosporus (R3) and product mix Bacillus laterosporus and Trichoderma viride
(R6) can generate income over feed costs higher (Rp. 717.39 and Rp. 732.80) and feed
conversion (R6) 3, 58 better than the other rations.
In conclution, lamtoro leaf meal fermented with Bacillus laterosporus and
Trichoderma, and a mix of both can be used up to the level of 20% in the ration of Pitalah
Key words : nutrient, detoxification, mimosine, productivity, quality and Pitalah duck
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