Istijono , Bambang Istijono
In: International Conference on Construction Industri, Facilities and Asset Management, 22 November 2012, Padang, Indonesia.
Based on President Regulation Number 38 Year 2008 concerning Change of President Regulation Number 6 Year 2006 concerning State/Local Asset Management, stated that all properties bought or gained by National/Local Budget or other valid gain are belonging to State/Local government. Thus State/Local government has obligation to implement asset management that comprise of requirement planning and budgeting, procurement, utilizing, usage, securing and maintaining, assessing, abolishing, transferring, administrating, guidance, as well as conduct monitoring and controlling on asset.
Several numbers of local governments are indicated Proper With Exception in opinion of Investigation Report from Financial Investigation Board. This shows the lack of professionalism in managing asset. Asset management is highly affected by regulation, human resources, source of fund and management/organization structure that managed assets.
In global perspective, issues and threats faced in state/local asset management are very complex, however related to asset management cycle, there are some points should be paid attention, those are planning and budgeting, procurement and maintenance stages. Besides conducive control environment, all government agencies must conduct risk analysis that can hinder achievement of agency objectives by observing life cycle and aim of state asset management and also considering disaster risk of one region.
Recommendation in asset management as follows: regulation established by government should be equipped with effective and applicative agency policy; conduct increasing of human resources capacity in managing asset that understand law and regulation comprehensively; unify asset and financial management in one organization unit; and need to implement asset arrangement followed up by asset database.
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