Arni, Leli
Proses pelayanan izin mendirikan bangunan di kabupaten dharmasraya.
Other thesis, Universitas Andalas.
On establish of region government deal with UUD 1945, central government gives authority to region government to manage their government problems by themselves. There are many strategies to create societies prosperous in region government such as service, empowerment, and society’s participation, and then one of the strategies is public service. Writer interested in doing this research entitled “Service Process on Establish of Build License in Dharmasraya”. Why does writer take this case, especially establish of build license (IMB) because relates to survey, not all of societis in dharmasraya regency manage IMB reluctantly because in accordance with their opinion IMB processing is very difficult such as unpredictable time, wherever places, whereas present time these case are can handle in one door namely corporation license service financial investment supplying commodity and service (BP2MPBJ) in Dharmasraya regency. This research focuses on review of related literature about process, public service, standart operational procedure (SOP) and IMB.
Method user qualitative approach. Qualitative method uses to get real data and to analyze the object in order to get accurate data. Research method uses descriptive qualitative and emik perspective. A descriptive type uses to get research result descritively, systematically, and factual to the object is BP2MPBJ. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interview, and documentation.
Process of implementation service IMB in Dharmasraya regency agreed with standard government procedural. Based on questioner result societies satisfaction index (IKM) states “ GOOD’. BP2MPBJ Dharmasraya regency has motto “ SERVICE RESPONSE, CERTAINLY TIME, EXPENSE, TRANSPARANCY” by giving first rate service means PROFESIONAL, HOSPITALITY, SINCERE, MAXIMAL, and ACCURATE are already reached it.
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