Artati, Rahmi
(Studi Kasus Kelompok SPP Aster dan Usaha Keluarga Mandiri).
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Savings activities specifically Female (SPP) is the Indonesian government's efforts to develop the potential of micro-credit activities rural, ease of access to finance micro enterprises, fulfillment of funding social base, and strengthen the institutional activities of women and to encourage the reduction of poor households and job creation. Research on the implementation of the activities of the women's credit (SPP) National Program for Rural Community Empowerment (PNPM-MP), held in Nagari Balingka and the District IV Nagari Koto Koto Panjang Agam This study was conducted in November hinggaDesember 2015. The purpose of this study is to describe implementa sikegiatan spp SPP group in District IV Koto Agam and analyze the benefits of economic activities of the family anggot SPP SPP group in District IV Koto KabupatenAgam.
The method used in this research is qualitative research supported by quantitative data. The population is utilizing the SPP Group Aster Kampuang installment repayment Bananas can run smoothly and SPP Group Family Business Independent Balingka the repayment installments jam. Sampling is done randomly at Aster Group and sensuspada Independent Family Business Group, amounting to as much as 44 respondents. The data collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. To know the purpose of the first and second analyzed descriptively qualitative.
The results showed that the implementation of the activities carried out by the spp UPK and SPP Aster are in accordance with the SOP that has been established, while the SPP group Usaha Mandiri Families not in accordance with SOP resulting group member's business stalled. Application of utilization of funds SPP members into two groups of 100% is used for working capital, the Group Aster business can run smoothly while for SPP Family Business Independent did not experience the business they are caused by problems in terms of marketing the results of operations which then affected the breakdown of repayment installments loan. Dana SPP perceived benefits in increased production, employment, increased marketing, increased revenue and developing a business, which is more dirasakanoleh benefits SPP Aster Group. Suggested, their coaching and training to improve the quality, packaging and marketing systems of production to the SPP by the relevant technical agencies and development management of savings by UPK enhanced cooperation with the competent authorities to realize the preservation and development of rural savings and loan institutions
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