Repository Universitas Andalas

Peran Serta KeluargA Dalam Penanggulangan Kekurangan Energi Protein (KEP) : (Studi Kasus Di Jorong Ganting Nagari Singgalang Kec. X Koto Kab.Tanah Datar)

Zamzami, Lucky and Lestari , Winda (2010) Peran Serta KeluargA Dalam Penanggulangan Kekurangan Energi Protein (KEP) : (Studi Kasus Di Jorong Ganting Nagari Singgalang Kec. X Koto Kab.Tanah Datar). Jurnal Antropologi, 5 (8). ISSN 1410-8356

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This research be back grounded by malnutrition case on infant and children under 5 year that covered on West Sumatra Province. This province is a one of area, where are located the KEP deaseas on infant. KEP is no direct causes to the mother roles and the other members of household as the person who connected direct to the infant and children under 5 years o/d. Family roles are important to manage and for looking the growth and their nutrition growth,especially in feeding that have high nutrition value to the baby and children under 5 years old. The result of research also showed that government programs for covering KEP deaseas are not attain maximal result yet.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Unit atau Lembaga: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Antropologi
Depositing User: S.Si Fitria Ramona
Date Deposited: 23 Jul 2010 04:54
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2011 07:59

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