Repository Universitas Andalas

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COCULTURES OF FALLOPIAN TUBE EPITHELIAL AND CUMULUS CELLS IN TCM-I99 ON IN VITRO BOVINE EMBRYOS DEVELOPMENT (Efektivitas penggunaan kokultur sel-sel epitel tuba Fallopii dan kumulus dalam TCM-199 terhadap perkembangan embrio sapi in vitro)

HENDRI, HENDRI (2010) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COCULTURES OF FALLOPIAN TUBE EPITHELIAL AND CUMULUS CELLS IN TCM-I99 ON IN VITRO BOVINE EMBRYOS DEVELOPMENT (Efektivitas penggunaan kokultur sel-sel epitel tuba Fallopii dan kumulus dalam TCM-199 terhadap perkembangan embrio sapi in vitro). Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Andalas. (Unpublished)

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This research was designed to determine the effectiveness of using cocultures of Fallopian tube epithelial and cumulus cells in Tissue Culture Medium 199 (TCM- 199) on in vitro bovine embryos development. Oocytes were collected by aspiration method from ovaries obtained from the slaughter house. Oocytes were Classified into three grade.s (A,B and C/D) according to their qualities and only oocytes of A and B qualities (COCs, cumulus oocyte cg.m- plexes) that matured in TCM-199 supplemented with 20 percents of seven days after estrous heifer serum (SH7), at 38.5 oC, 5.0% CO2 in humidified air for 22 to 24 hours. Oocytes were then fertilized in vitro with capacilated spermatozoa from fresh semen. After six to eight hours of culturing, the presumptive zygotes or the fertilized oocytes were transferred and cultured into 100 pl drop of in vitro culture media treatment for development of embryos that called the control medium (TCM-199 + 20 % SH7), comparing it to the ones cultured in coculture media of Fallopian tube epithelial go cumulus cells. These embryos were then incubated for 4 x 48 hours, evaluated and its culture medium was changed with a fresh one every 48 hours. Data from this experiment was transformed by /x+0,5 and analyzed by one way clasification test. Result from this experiment indicate that the coculture systems of Fallopian tube epithelial cells and of cumulus cells do not improve the morula rate.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Unit atau Lembaga: Lembaga Penelitian Unand
Depositing User: SSi Santi Ariningsih
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2010 02:21
Last Modified: 21 Sep 2011 06:55

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