Budiman, Bestari J and Mayang Sari, Aci
Polip Nasi pada Anak.
s3rpeao3snl%iigkpa o knt a dajsaisuariP anspo ntmaalgidrpe taar enn uaraypjnasaaaid,k k miian dpnefaalr appdumoaaptl aaai dpsknii aaa lkanknrk -tmoaurnnokaiakaskkson, a,aa da nspenmaongll.agki Pp aabe n yrkn oameynnjeaegkbdd itaaiiiakblm,na kpbmniouyseltlai nipt k0et on,rf1iusab%astra ido mdisanainaisr b,idt reekairlenruaisimp tesiiels udbl aarielpkudeehuratatgha nil h,ep dupnoaiodl nidlipir epre ni hknngitaodaossnumii. nn piDgu ana ssdaritatisii .inks Td ekseesirrnenodlugnuaasirp nspua. ahEPtr anbeandnen obapasteoscaraloliaalpp.p k Pinacso aafSlansiipinka au tanonsnar a s ki ,
S t eulraghe dryil a (kD EuSilkSaa)p.n o rtiknadna skaatnu mkaesduiks apmoleinpt noassai dpaand ate sreaopria bnegd aanha skin lauksi e-lnadkoi uskmoupri. 5 tahun dengan rinosinusitis kronis. Pada pasien
Kata kunci : Polip nasi anak, polip antrokoanal, polipektomi nasi, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery . Abstract
Nasal polyp is a polypoidal masses arising mainly from the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses.
Nasal polyps are very rare in children, incidence rate of 0.1% of the total nasal polyps. 33% of the total nasal polyp in children is
a antrochoanal polyp. The primary cause of nasal polyps is not known. There are several risk factors for polyps such as chronic
inflammation, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis. Management of nasal polyps in
children can be done with medical and polypectomi surgical therapies with endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS).
It was reported one case of nasal polyp in a boy aged 5 years with chronic rhinosinusitis. Patients was treated with
medical therapy and endoscopic sinus surgery.
Key words: children nasal polyps, antrochoanal polyps, nasal polypectomi, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
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