Yanti, Delvi
Sistem Informasi Kesesuaian Lahan Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman.
pp. 123-130.
ISSN 1410 - 1920
The research about the information system of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Land Adjustment in
Padang Pariaman Region is held on October until December 2008. The aims of this research are: (1)
Identifying the potential of land adjustment in order to develop cocoa in Padang Pariaman region,(2)
Presenting more accurate, objective, and complete data and information as advisory material in making
decision to develop cocoa in Padang Pariaman region.
This research is done by coordination and consultation methods to related instance, interview
method, and sampling method to get secondary and primary data. The analysis of land adjustment is done by
matching the requirements of cocoa growth to the land characteristics. The class of land adjustment is stated
in very appropriate (S1), appropriate (S2), less appropriate (S3), and not appropriate (N) level. The analysis
result of land adjustment class is then continued to digitalizing process of Padang Pariaman region
administrative map using Arcview software. Processing the data into basis data is done by using Microsoft
Office Access 2003 software that is displayed through an information system program by using Visual Basic
6.0 software. This activity is done at the postgraduate laboratory of Andalas University, Padang.
Based on the research done, it is resulted the information system of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)
Land Adjustment in Padang Pariaman Region, that contains the map of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) land
adjustment, the data of area agro-ecology, the data of cocoa land wide, and information about cocoa.
Keyword: Information system, Land adjustment, Cocoa.
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