Gayatri, Rina
Other thesis, Universitas Andalas.
Freedom Writers is inspired by real teenagers and the diaries that were written after the LA riots. This movie talks about Mrs. Erin Gruwell whose passion to become a teacher in Wodrow Wilson High School. She receives rebellion action from students who come from different races; the group of black, the Latino, and Asian gang member but she tries hard to understand student’s life. Erin tries to give them something they never had before. She teach students who life in the gang and trigger racism to be respect, be tolerance and be responsibility in their life. But the head of department and other teacher in this school does not give support to Erin.
To be a teacher at 203 classroom in Wodrow Wilson High School, Erin Gruwell faced by many problems. Her class consist of a diverse group of racially charged teenagers from different walk of life, such as African American, Latinos, Asian, juvenile delinquests, gang member, and underprivileged students from poor neighborhood. Despite her students obstinate refusal to participate during class, Erin tries various means to engage them on a daily basis. Erin Gruwell, an English try to recognize the writing of Anna Frank. The purpose is not only to teach basis of the English language, but also that story is used to compass students to be life without differences in racism issue.
The way to make a transformation to her students, she recognize music in teaching from the Hood, and literature from another kind of ghetto, The Diary of Anne Frank, and with these simple tools she opens students' eyes to the experiences of those suffering intolerance throughout the world and the struggles of those outside their own communities. She also encourages student to keep a daily journal of their thoughts and experiences.
Dalam skripsi ini dibahas tentang tipe-tipe alternatif dan orientasi tindak tutur direktif dalam film Freedom Writer yang dirilis tahun 2007. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan tipe-tipe alternatif tindak tutur direktif dan orientasi tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan oleh karakter dalam film Freedom Writer. Data berasal dari tindak tutur direktif yang diujarkan oleh semua karakter. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap dan teknik catat. Dalam menganalisis data metode padan pragmatik digunakan. Data dianalisis dengan menerapkan teori alternatif tindak tutur direktif (Tripp, 1976), dan teori orientasi tindak tutur direktif (Bonvillain, 2003). Hasil analisis dipaparkan dengan menggunakan metode formal dan informal.
Dari hasil analisis ditemukan 6 tipe alternatif dalam tindak tutur direktif yaitu need statement 4 kali (21%), imperative 8 kali (42%), embedded imperative 3 kali (16%), permission directive 2 kali (11%), question directive 1 kali (5%), dan hints 1 (5%). Imperative paling dominan digunakan karena adanya pengaruh perbedaan dalam status sosial. Ujaran direktif dituturkan secara jelas dan langsung pada maksud atau keinginan penutur kepada mitra tutur karena status sosial. Orientasi tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan penutur kepada mitra tutur meliputi hearer oriented 13 kali (68%), speaker oriented 4 kali (21%), speaker and hearer oriented 2 kali (11%). Hearer oriented paling dominan mucul. Hal ini disebabkan karena dalam mengujarkan tindak tutur direktif, penutur ingin mitra tutur melakukan dan mematuhi apa yang diinginkanya.
Kata Kunci: tipe-tipe alternatif; orientasi; tindak tutur direktif
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