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Items where Author is "Yanwirasti , Yanwirasti "

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Number of items: 20.

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2014) Kontribusi Stres Oksidatif Terhadap Neuropatologi Demensia Pada Penyakit Alzheimer. In: Pidato Pada upacara Pengu-kuhan Sebagai Guru Besar Anatomi Pada Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas padang, unand padang.

Rustam, Erlina and Atmasari, Indah and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2014) Efek Antiflamasi Ekstrak Ethanol Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 12 (2). ISSN 1410-0177

Rustam, Erlina and Atmasari , Indah and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2014) Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 12 (2). ISSN 1410 – 0177

Rustam, Erlina and Atmasari , Indah and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2014) Efek Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Etanol Kunyit (Curcuma domestica Val.) Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 12 (2). pp. 112-115. ISSN 1410-0177

Revilla, Gusti and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2010) EFEK IMUNOMODULASI SBNYAWA FLAVONOID KENCUR (Kaempferio galanga Linn) TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MIKROBISIDAL SEL NETROFIL SBCARA IN VITRO. Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Andalas. (Unpublished)

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Revilla, Gusti (2010) Efek Tulang Rawan Ikan Hiu Terhadap Kerusakan Oksidatif Sel Hepar Tikus Putih (Rattus Novegicus) Akibat Keracunan Aflatoksin B1. Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Andalas. (Unpublished)

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2010) The Expression Of PCNA and Apoptosis On Liver Cell Damage Due To Oxidative Process Of Aflatoxin B1 Biotrans Formation. In: Department of Anatomy. Medical Faculty Andalas university Padang-lrrdonesia.

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2010) Kajian Enzim Antioksidan Sel Hati Tikus Putih Akibat Proses Oksidatif Biotranspormasi Aflatoksin B1. In: seminar Nasional XVII dan Kongres X Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekular Indonesia, Pekanbaru - Riau.

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2010) Kontribusi Kadar Peroksidasi Lipid Terhadap Kerusakan Sel Hati Tikus Putih Akibat Keracunan Aftoksin B1. Buku Pandua dan Kumpulan Abstrak .

Revilla, Gusti and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Yoma, Yoma (2010) PEMBUATAN KURSI DAN MEJA BELAJAR SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR SESUAI DENGAN DATA ANTROPOMETRI ANAK UMUR 6-12 TAHUN. Project Report. Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Andalas. (Unpublished)

Revilla, Gusti and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Nizar, RZ, Nizar, RZ (2010) Perbandingan Ukuran Antropometri Anak SD Di Kec. Labuk Kilangan dan SD Pertiwi Padang Yang Dapat Gambaran Status Gizi Anak. Artikel Penelitian .

Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Zain, MSB and Revilla, Gusti and Amir, A (2010) The Study On Apoptosis Of The Liver Cells White Rats Due To Different Exposure Times And Dosages Of Aflatoxin B1. In: 4Th Asian - Pasific International Conggress Of Anatomists, 7 - 10 September 2005, Kudadasi - Turkey.

Irawati , Nuzulia and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti (2009) DIVERSITAS GENETIK PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM DI DAERAH ENDEMI MALARIA SUMATERA BARAT. Working Paper. Fakultas Kedokteran. (Unpublished)

Revilla, Gusti and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Indrama, Erly (2008) EFEK IMUNOMODULASI SENYAWA FLAVANOID KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga Linn) TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MIKROBISIDAL SEL NETROFIL SECARA IN VITRO. Majalah Kedokteran Andalas, 32 (1). ISSN 0126 – 2092

Rasyid, Roslaili and Yanwirasti , Yanwirasti and Nasrul, Ellyza (2008) PENGARUH ESTROGEN TERHADAP AKTIFITAS SEL MAKROFAG DALAM MENFAGOSIT Candida albicans SECARA IN VITRO. Majalah Kedokteran Andalas, 32 (1). ISSN 0126 – 2092

Aldi, Yufri and Yuliandra , Yori and Nasrul, Ellyza and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Handayani , Dian and Bakhtiar, Amri (2015) Decreased Interleukin-4 Level of Type I Hypersensitive Mice Using Scopoloetin Isolated from Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6 (4). pp. 1823-1829. ISSN 0975-8585

Aldi, Yufri and Yuliandra , Yori and Nasrul, Ellyza and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Handayani , Dian and Bakhtiar, Amri (2015) Decreased Interleukin-4 Level of Type I Hypersensitive Mice Using Scopoloetin Isolated from Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 6 (4). pp. 1823-1829. ISSN 0975-8585

Yufri, Aldi and Ellyza, Nasrul and Dian, Handayani and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Amri, Bakhtiar (2012) PENGARUH SKOPOLETIN DARI BUAH MENGKUDU (Morinda citrifolia L.) TERHADAP JUMLAH IgE MENCIT JANTAN DENGAN HIPERSENSITIVITAS TIPE I (Effect of scopoletin from mengkudu fruit to the amount of IgE on white male mice with type I hypersensitivity). Jurnal Bahan Alam Indonesia, 8 (2). pp. 77-83. ISSN 1414-2855

Suhatri, Suhatri and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Nasrul, Ellyza and Dachriyanus, Dachriyanus and Indrawan, Satriko and Marusin, Netty and TOBAT, SANUBARI RELA and Yuliandra , Yori (2016) Isolation and Protection Effects of Methyl Gallate from Surian Leaves (Toona sureni BL Merr) Against Atherosclerosis of Hypercholesterolemic Rat. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7 (4). pp. 870-875. ISSN 0975-8585

Nasif, Hansen and Lucida , Henny and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Aldi, Yufri and Yuliandra, Yori (2019) Pharmacodynamics effect of methylprednisolone tablets on the serum concentration of annexin A1: in vivo comparative study between generic and innovator drug. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 12 (1). pp. 414-417. ISSN 2455-3891

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